Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Magnet/Flannel Board activities

I found this great blog that had wonderful magnet/flannel board ideas.

Here are a couple of examples:

There was an Old Lady That Swallowed a Fly


Monday, January 18, 2010

People have asked how did I choose how to preschool my children and it all came down to this. I was researching the topic of women and came across a wonderful talk by President Benson titled The Honored Place of Woman. Years later when I had preschool aged children a part of that talk I had read so many years earlier came to my mind and it read:

"We become enamored with men’s theories such as the idea of preschool training outside the home for young children. Not only does this put added pressure on the budget, but it places young children in an environment away from mother’s influence."

It was then I knew what my role as a mother concerning preschool was and I truly have enjoyed every learning moment with my preschoolers!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

An Edible Snowscape!!!

We did the following after reading many books about snow and snowmen!!!

Items needed:
plate and knife
square of graham cracker
white frosting
snowman shaped marshmallows or 3 mini ones stacked on top of eachother

This is a project you let them do themselves(doing things ALL BY THEMSELF is a huge boost to your little ones self esteem). Yes they are going to get messy but this is what wet ones are for. They each have their own frosting and knife so they can lick the knife if they want. They spread the frosting over the cracker. Add the marshmallows and eat up!!!! Surprisingly enough this is great for working on their fine motor skills.

Yummy and Fun!!!

The Mitten activity

Here is the finished mitten(yes I was interrupting snacking).....

and the animals!

I love the story The Mitten by Jan Brett. She has a wonderful website www.janbrett.com were I got the images of the animals from the story. We colored all of our animals and then I quickly cut them out(if you have older preschoolers they can do this themselves) Just like Nicki from the book we made our own mitten, decorated it, and taped it to our bag. Then we practiced retelling the story.

I did this over 2 days and I told the story many different ways(I just read it, told it as a flannel board story, used the mitten bags the kids made).

It is amazing how well young children can retell stories and it helps with them learning to comprehend what they are reading or what is being read to them!!!