Saturday, September 13, 2008


A new version of bobbing for apples-cut apple shapes out of craft foam, with a permanent marker write upper case A on half and lower case on the other half. I float them in a tub of water that is half full and have the kids grab them out with tongs seperating them into upper and lowercase groups by sticking them to the side of the tub and saying the sound A's make.

Throw play apples into a bushel basket singing the a song. (the A says ahhhhh the A says ahhhhh every letter makes a sound the A says ahhhhhhh.

Go to an orchard and pick apples if you can.

Cut apple in half both ways and dip into red paint and make apple prints.

Apple tree sequencing cards.

Read books about apples.

Get red and green pom poms and have them seperate them into groups and then count them into baskets. For fine motor skill you can also have them pick up the pom poms with a clothes pin or kiddie chopsticks.

Program tree patterns with different letters on them and using the pom poms above play apple tree bingo.

Spray foam balls with red spray paint and then with a skewer poke 2-3 holes through the ball. At the top of the ball poke a green pipe cleaner in and make it into the shape of a stem and leaf and glue into place. For each ball take a green pipe cleaner and bend both ends over a half inch, this is your worm. You now have apples and wormmsa nd you have the children weave the worms through the apple holes. They love it!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Mitten

Read book-The Mitten by Jan Brett

Sequencing: mitten with animals(

Mm practice. Laminate mittens with Mm on it and have the kids trace them with a dry erase marker.

Mitten memory game.

Puppet show. See if the kids can guess who is going into the mitten next.

Design your own mitten. Make mitten print outs and have the kids cut out and design their own mitten with a M on it.

Bring some snow in and hide winter animals in it or shaving cream works(non menthol) in the water table.

Mitten matching game- clothes line, clothes pin, and mittens. Helps with fine motor skills.

Brown Bear Brown Bear

Read book. Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?

Sequencing magnets. Make and cut out the animals from the story and put magnets on the backs. After reading the story have the children try to remember who saw who. HINT: a company called Punkydoodles has the cutouts for this story for $1.99

Color to Color name match. Make cards with color names on them to match the above animal cut outs from the story.
Animal to name match. Make cards with the name of the animals from the story to match the cut outs previously made.

Bb Practice-Laminated bears with Bb on them. Have the kids trace the Bb's with a dry erase marker.

Make book to practice reading with at home (End of book change- child's name what do you see?)

Puppet show. With all the animals on popsicle sticks and see if the kids can guess who is going to pop up next.

Counting Center. With bear counters and cups.

Color Center from The Mailbox magazine. I think it is the June/July issue.

Have fun with this action poem:

Brown bear brown bear turn a round,
Brown bear brown bear touch the ground
Brown bear brown bear twist side to side
Brown bear brown bear reach up high
Brown bear brown bear touch your head
Brown bear brown bear jump ahead
Brown bear brown bear clap your hands
Brown bear brown bear one foot you stand
Brown bear brown bear march up stairs
Brown bear brown bear say your prayers


Read various pumpkin books.

Pp practice-
Make P's out of pumpkin seeds on pumpkins.
Laminate a pumpkin shape with Pp on it and have them trace with them with a dry erase marker.

Scoop out a pumpkin put insides in water table for further exploration.

Make pumpkin book.

Make pumpkin life cycle craft-green yarn(vine), large paper plate painted orange, small paper plate painted green, yellow tissue paper crumpled up(flower), seed from pumpkin glued to cardstock tape last four items on to vine.

Sequencing pumpkin life cyle cards.

Pumpkin pie treat: mix pumpkin and cinnamon, crush grahams add pumpkin mixture top with whipped cream.

Pumpkin Playdough make snake P's. Make orange playdough can add cinnamon for a more pumpkin pie effect.

Classify pumpkins and gourds.